We've grown way more accepting about certain kinds of sex since the 1970s
We've come a long way since the days of "I Love Lucy" when the idea of sex on TV was so taboo that even married couples were shown sleeping in separate beds.Since then, our ideas about sex have opened...
View ArticleThe biggest difference between being a single woman and a single man in 2015
More than half of American adults are single. According to the US Census, 53% of singles are women, 47% are men. But the way American culture treats single people of the different genders is —...
View ArticleHow to deal with coworkers who are willing to do anything to get ahead
There's one in every office. The hotshot: the guy who has an exalted view of his own opinions and claims all great ideas are his; or the woman who lets everyone know she's the "go-to" person on … well,...
View ArticleThe FDA just backed a drug people are calling 'female viagra'
The US FDA just agreed to back an experimental drug that's being called "female Viagra" and is designed to increase a woman's sexual desire.The FDA panel voted 18-6 in favor of approving the pill,...
View ArticleImproving your sex life could be as simple as having this conversation
Talking about money could improve your sex life?That's a new one.However, it's the implication of a new poll from MONEY, which surveyed 500 millennials and 500 baby boomers about relationships and...
View ArticleHow to make friends when you're a grown-up
Making friends in school was easy. But once you're all grown up, it gets way harder — especially if you've just moved to a new city. Thankfully, social science has figured out a few of the ways that...
View ArticleI make over 50% more than my husband — here's how we make it work
I earn 55% more than my husband.That's a big difference, and our situation is growing less unique by the day.The percentage of women breadwinners has been rising steadily over the past 30 years.And as...
View Article10 ways to become incredibly charismatic
Some people instantly make us feel important. Some people instantly make us feel special. Some people light up a room just by walking in.We can't always define it, but some people have "it"— they're...
View Article7 tips that will help you make a great first impression every time
First impressions dictate our professional careers. The first impression you make on your interviewer could determine whether or not you get hired for a job.The first impression you make with your...
View ArticlePsychologists say you need these 3 compatibilities to have a successful marriage
Although fewer young people are getting married today than ever before, research suggests that getting and staying married is one of the best things you can do for yourself.As The New York Times...
View ArticlePsychologist says these 2 patterns of behavior are the most common signs that...
Ever been in the middle of a heated argument and thought: "Does this mean we're going to break up?"If you're in a stable relationship, chances are the answer is no. But if things have been going...
View Article11 habits of the most irresistible people
LinkedIn Influencer Dr. Travis Bradberry published this post originally on LinkedIn.Some people, regardless of what they lack — money, looks, or social connections — always radiate with energy and...
View Article3 phrases to use in a happy relationship
Licensed psychotherapist and relationship expert, Rachel Sussman lists three simple phrases you should be using to maintain a happy and healthy relationship with your partner.Produced by Kevin Reilly...
View ArticleAsk your date these three questions if you want to know whether they're...
When it comes to first dates, a lot of guys have a routine — a preferred restaurant, a trusted bottle of wine, a short list of questions and topics of conversation. In a recent New York Times op-ed,...
View Article9 facts about flirting that single — and married — people should know
What could be more terrifying than talking to someone you're attracted to? Luckily, social science has figured out what makes flirting work — or not.Couples need to flirt, too.Like Tinder, cats, and...
View ArticleThis viral Facebook quiz will reveal your soulmate
There's a quiz you can take that will match you with your soulmate. Or, at least your Facebook soulmate. The quiz claims to analyze "your friend list, posts and likes to find out who your real soulmate...
View Article5 important lessons I learned from a millionaire who owns 10 companies
This man, who shall remain nameless, keeps a very low profile. I happened to run into him and strike up a conversation, which led to another conversation over lunch.We sat down at an organic food...
View ArticleWe need to change the way we think about one night stands
When a couple tells the "how we met" story, chances are that story doesn't start with one too many drinks at the bar and end with a one night stand.That might be the true version, but one night stands...
View ArticleA German man took revenge on his ex-lover by sawing everything they own in...
Breakups can be messy — especially when your jilted ex-lover owns a saw.A German man supposedly took revenge on his former partner by slicing everything they owned together in half, the Daily Mail...
View ArticleHere's why some people believe in love at first sight and others don't
When Neil deGrasse Tyson brought up Tinder during a recent episode of his StarTalk Radio show, it inspired a hilarious discussion. But the dating-based-on-looks-alone app also brought up an interesting...
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